Status of the vaccination scheme in admitted infants at the general pediatric Hospital Children of Acosta Ñu in october and november 2021
Vol. 2 - N° 1
PDF (Español (España))



How to Cite

Hidalgo Céspedes, D. M. . (2022). Status of the vaccination scheme in admitted infants at the general pediatric Hospital Children of Acosta Ñu in october and november 2021. UMAX Scientific Journal, 2(1), 2–8. Retrieved from


Introduction: Since the beginning of the health emergency due to COVID-19, there has been a decrease in the pediatric population that attended the emergency servi- ces in the different hospitals, at which time the vaccination schedules for children were generally regularized. The delay in immu- nization in the child population is a cause for concern, since this could generate an increase in the appearance of vaccine-pre- ventable diseases.

Objective: To determine the vaccination status of children aged 12 months or less who are hospitalized in a pu- blic hospital in Paraguay during the months of October and November of the year 2021.

Methodology: Cross-sectional prospective descriptive observational study. A survey was conducted of 157 parents of children who consulted at the General Pediatric Hos- pital Children of Acosta Ñu.

Results: Predominance was found in the male sex 92 (58.6%); Compared to the female sex of 65 (41.4%), the average age was 4 months with an interquartile range of 2-9. Regarding the status of the vaccination schedule, 78 pa- tients (49.7%) with a vaccination schedule were found. complete and timely, 61 of them (38.9%) with incomplete vaccination sche- dule for age; and 18 (11.5%) with a com- plete vaccination schedule, but with delayed vaccination dates.

Conclusion: there is a significant rate of children with incomplete vaccination schedule, which has been partially enhanced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

PDF (Español (España))


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Copyright (c) 2022 Diana Mariel Hidalgo Céspedes


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