Introduction: Several authors have highlighted that the university population is a particularly vulnerable group from a nutritional point of view, because it is characterized by frequently omitting meals and making repeated intakes between the main meals. Objective: To determine the caloric requirement and intake in university students of the surgery and medicine career of the National University of Asunción. Material and Method: Analytical observational study, cross-section, non probabilistic convenience sampling; from September to October 2018, at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Saxony campus). Survey prepared by the authors. FAO-WHO Method Equation for Daily Energy Expenditure. Results: 202 cases were analyzed; 117
from 1st year, 41 from 2nd year, 44 from 3rd year. Ages between 18 and 30 years (21.04±1.56). The Total Energy Expenditure for both sexes registers an average of 2607.47±821.88 Kcal/day. The average number of Kcal offered by supply sites is 1997.17±545.51. Conclusions: The results show a high caloric need in medical students, highlighting the male population as the
most affected. A detailed study of the relationship between total energy expenditure and the tendency to obesity is required.

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